As the name suggests Mortgage Helpers Australia was founded in 2001 to assist people with their mortgage requirements. Your probably thinking there are plenty of lenders in the market place that do this and you are correct, however Mortgage Helpers Australia is very different. Not all loan applicants qualify for a loan for various reasons such as:
This is where Mortgage Helpers Australia specialise and most brokers walk away. This segment of the mortgage market is known as non-conforming which is relatively new to Australia however has been going for years in the U.K and the U.S.A.
There are only a hand full of lenders in Australia that will assist clients with the above mentioned unique circumstances of which Mortgage Helpers Australia is accredited to deal with all.
With the major banks and mortgage insurers having restrictive and unreasonable credit policies this area of the market has grown at a rapid rate. At Mortgage Helpers Australia our aim is to assist you with your unique circumstances whatever they may be.
With over 20 years of finance experience, if the team at MORTGAGE HELPERS cannot assist you, no one can.
Paul Mitchell is a Credit Representative (Credit Representative Number 474740) of Port Group Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence No. 389460).
Pw & Pj Mitchell Pty Ltd – ABN 43 860 486 956
Corporate Credit Representative Number – 490801